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Berghain bouncer Sven Marquardt’s new photography exhibition debuts at Georgian techno club, Khidi: Watch

The exhibition also features live music from Prurient…

Berghain’s beloved bouncer Sven Marquardt has debuted a new photography exhibition at Georgian techno club, Khidi.

Marquardt’s work as a photographer has become well known across both the music and photography industries for its use of stark, black and white atmospheres and his distinct style of portraiture. His shots have previously decorated the walls of Berghain itself as well as being used as artwork for releases on the club’s Ostgut Ton label. In 2016, he exhibited a selection of his photographs in Ibiza’s Hangar8289 — an experimental performance space in the island's Art District.

Now, Marquardt has started a new residency in Tbilisi nightclub, Khidi, where he will be showcasing a selection of his recent works. He is joined by experimental musician Prurient – AKA Vatican Shadow – who will be delivering several live performances throughout the residency. The exhibition also features visual work from Berlin artist, Pfadfinderei.

Below, you can watch a video that documents the opening of the exhibition produced by Lexo Machavariani. Included in the video is rare interview footage with Marquardt, a preview of the exhibition and Prurient’s live show as well as a brief look into Tbilisi’s vital techno underground and the city’s links to Berlin. Check it out below.