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Foundation launched to provide support for survivors of sexual abuse in music industry

"A safe space for those who have experienced physical, psychological and financial harm"

Foundation launched to provide support for survivors of sexual abuse in music industry

A foundation has been launched to provide support for survivors of sexual abuse in the music industry.

Formed by former A&R executive Dorothy Carvello, the Face the Music Now Foundation is intended to work as "a trusted resource" and provide "a safe space for those who have experienced physical, psychological and financial harm". It also aims to campaign against the use of non-disclosure agreements in silencing survivors. 

"As a survivor myself, I have seen and experienced firsthand how sexual harassment and abuse shatters survivors psychologically, financially, and professionally. It's not a matter of money; it's about helping them put the pieces back together," Dorothy Carvello said in a press release.

"These large, publicly traded companies have been protecting predators and it's time their shareholders know how their money is being used. For far too long, the music industry has been turning a blind eye to sexual abuse and harassment, and we're long overdue for that to change," she continued.

The foundation points out that 72% of musicians who identify as women have experienced some sort of discrimination in the industry. 67% say that they have been victims of sexual harassment, and 85% of the victims did not officially file reports.

Beverly Keel, dean of Middle Tennessee State University’s College of Media and Entertainment, and writer and performer Bruce Roberts are both on the board of directors.

For more information, head to the Face the Music Now Foundation site.