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Independent review examining BBC's response to Tim Westwood sexual misconduct allegations sets up phone line to gather evidence

It's hoped the phone line will encourage people to come forward if they have information

Tim Westwood

Content warning: This article contains information relating to sexual misconduct.

The independent review examining the BBC's response to sexual misconduct allegations against former BBC DJ Tim Westwood has launched a phone line to help gather more evidence.

Led by independent reviewer Gemma White KC of Blackstone Chambers and supported by independent safeguarding expert Jahnine Davis, the review team hopes that the phone line will encourage more people to come forward.

The review team wants to hear, in particular, from anyone with knowledge of allegations or concerns about Westwood’s sexual conduct and any BBC knowledge of it.

Westwood, who was employed by the BBC from 1994-2013, “strenuously” denied the allegations that were detailed in a joint The Guardian and BBC News investigation published last April. Seven women have accused Westwood of sexual misconduct, predatory behaviour and abuse of power from 1992 to 2017. 

An additional report published by BBC News last July claimed that the broader media corporation, the BBC, had received six complaints about Westwood including one that was referred to the BBC by police.

The July report contrasted with earlier comments made by BBC Director General Tim Davie in response to the initial investigation. At the time, Davie said, “we looked at our records and we've seen no evidence [of complaints]”. The Guardian reported at the time that the larger BBC corporation told them that Davie "set out the position as he understood it at the time". 

Contributors can dial 08000 121 838 to connect directly with White or Davis and share their experiences confidentially and anonymously, if they wish.

Davis will be available to speak at the following times during the first two weeks. Updates for the following weeks will be provided on the answering system. 

Week commencing 17th April: 
Thursday, 20th April: 10AM-1PM BST
Friday, 21st April: 5PM-8PM BST

Week commencing 24th April: 
Monday, 24th April: 5PM-8PM BST
Wednesday, 26th April: 12PM-1PM BST
Thursday, 27th April: 5PM-8PM BST
Friday, 28th April: 10AM-3PM BST

Davis said in a statement: “I know many people in Black communities saw or heard about [BBC Three's] Abuse of Power documentary which featured Black women who have accused/accuse Tim Westwood of sexual misconduct and predatory sexual behaviour. We believe there are people with relevant information who have yet to contribute to the review, which is why we are taking this additional step. 

“We know that it’s not easy to come forward. We want to make certain those who want to do so can speak directly to someone who has experience and expertise of these sensitive matters and with whom they will feel comfortable. If you do have any information that you think we need to know please do not hesitate to call me.”

In addition to the phone line, evidence givers can share their experiences by:

  • Completing a questionnaire
  • Emailing evidence to [email protected]
  • Post marked for the attention of Gemma White KC BBC Review, to Linklaters LLP, One Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8HQ
  • Requesting a meeting with Gemma White KC and Jahnine Davis

White added: “As an independent review team we are examining the allegations which have been made about Tim Westwood’s conduct, and considering whether the BBC responded appropriately to them. Your contribution to the review could be an important part of the BBC understanding the way in which it has responded to allegations and concerns in the past and ensuring that it follows best practice in the future.

“I have been working with Jahnine to consider different ways for people to come forward. We believe that setting up a dedicated phone line which allows people who want to speak to Jahnine to contact her directly will make the review more widely accessible. I very much hope that anyone with information to share will call us.”

The review’s findings are expected to be presented to the BBC in late June or early July. The BBC Board has committed to publishing and fully responding to the report and to taking action where there are lessons to be learnt.

Westwood joined the BBC in 1994, where he hosted the UK’s first national rap and hip-hop show. He remained at the station for almost 20 years.

If you have been affected by any of the issues discussed in this article, the following organisations may be able to provide help and advice:

In the UK 

Victim Support

Provides help and information for anyone who has been affected by a crime, including a violent or sexual assault, or is wary about involving the police.

Helpline: 0845 30 30 900 (Seven days a week)


The Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre

Support and information for women and girls who have been raped or sexually abused, however long ago and whatever the circumstances.

Helpline: 0845 1221 331 (Seven days a week)


In North America


RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization

The National Sexual Assault Hotline (24 hours, seven days a week):800.656.HOPE (4673),,


National Sexual Violence Resource Center

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the leading nonprofit in providing information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence. 

Directory of organizations:
