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Juliana Huxtable to present multimedia exhibition, USSYPHILIA, at Fotografiska Berlin

The Texas-born multidisciplinary artist's largest European show yet will open a new contemporary art museum in Berlin this September

Juliana Huxtable to present multimedia exhibition, USSYPHILIA, at Fotografiska Berlin

Juliana Huxtable will be putting on a multimedia exhibition at a new contemporary art museum in Berlin.

Fotografiska Berlin will host a solo show, titled USSYPHILIA, by Texas-born multidisciplinary artist as part of its opening programme. Running from 14th September through 10th January, 2024, USSYPHILIA will feature the debut of a video installation and a new site-specific body of work, as well as pieces from her 2022 exhibition, AKIMBO-SPITTLE, at London's Project Native Informant gallery.  

With USSYPHILIA, Huxtable's work, which centres on "gender, race, identity, queerness and sexuality", will bring "new subjectivity in mythicized research around the ideas of limiting identity, sexed body beyond the identifiably human realm as a response to the political and social climate", according to Fotografiska Berlin. It'll be her largest European solo exhibition to date. 

Learn more about USSYPHILIA on Fotografiska Berlin's website

Tanya Akinola spoke to Juliana Huxtable for the March 2020 edition of DJ Mag's Recognise series. Listen to the mix and revisit their interview — in which they discuss Huxtable's wide-ranging creative output, power structures, identity, alternate histories and more — here.