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Lisbon's Rádio Quântica launches fundraiser to stay afloat

Money raised will go towards paying staff and purchasing essential equipment

Lisbon's Rádio Quântica launches fundraiser to stay afloat

Lisbon-based community radio station Rádio Quântica has set up a fundraising company to help it continue operating.

Sharing an appeal via GoFundMe, the team behind the station said that all money raised will go towards paying staff and purchasing essential studio equipment.

"We need your support in these trying times," read a social media post shared by the station. "As you know, we're a non-profit organisation that doesn't have a business model by nature, so we don't have a way to make money to keep the station running if we don't rely on public funding."

The post continued: "We start 2023 with very little options, as money is running as low as it gets and all of our equipment needs to either be serviced or replaced for industry-standard models that community stations around the world have – like the CDJ2000s, proper decks, and a mixer that works.

"Furthermore, we need financial support to pay the salaries of our studio managers and assistants, given that curation and scheduling has always happened on a volunteer basis."

Launched in 2015, Rádio Quântica broadcasts 24/7, and counts more than 170 residents among its ranks, with shows covering various music genres, as well as talks and debates. The station also runs the multi-location Portuguese festival Ano 0, which DJ Mag visited in 2019.

You can donate to the GoFundMe campaign here.