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Michael Bibi leaves hospital after completing main treatment for cancer

"When I first came into hospital I could barely walk... Today, I walk out with a smile"

Michael Bibi leaves hospital

Michael Bibi has confirmed he has now left hospital after undergoing cancer treatment, posting an update to fans on social media explaining he felt "tired but happy". 

The DJ and Solid Grooves label boss has kept fans updated on his progress since his diagnosis for central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma, a rare form of cancer, earlier this year. A post on his birthday confirmed the tumour had shrunk by around 40%, and another from early September marked his 116th day as an in-patient. The latest update, posted yesterday (28th), revealed he was heading home to recover following ten weeks in hospital. 

"When I first came into hospital I was barely able to walk," Bibi wrote on Instagram. "Today I walk out with a smile having completed my main treatment. tired but happy... My flight against cancer is not over... but for now a break & some extra time to enjoy life." 

Bibi, 33, discovered he needed urgent medical care earlier this year after seeing doctors for a suspected case of tinnitus. In June, he announced all festival and club dates were cancelled for the foreseeable future, including a weekly residency at DC10 in Ibiza. Soon after he clarified the condition as (CNS) lymphoma, which develops in the lymph tissue of the brain and spinal chord.

An email address has been set up for the public to send any relevant information about the condition: [email protected]